The boat was then driven a short distance to a series of underwater wrecks which would be the main dive. Having completed this part we swam back over to the boat where we were given a short break, some water and a candy bar.
We practiced removing and reinserting our regulators as well as clearing our masks and more generally were assessed on comfort in the water. We dove into the water and swam closer to the beach, pretty much so we could stand with our heads out of the water. The boat crew were all very friendly and helped us correctly put our gear on. This would be the practical lesson so that Peter was confident in our ability to be safe underwater. We then boarded their diving boat and drove a short distance from the beach. Peter is really friendly and took good care of us.Īfter the video Peter ran through it with us and made sure we were up to speed. The experience began with our instructor, Peter, showing us a PADI introductory video discussing the basic skills required to dive safely. West side is based out of the Boat Yard Club, which is a great location from which to go diving as you can have lunch before and enjoy a drink after in a fun environment with good facilities. I have been diving on three previous occasions but my girlfriend hadn't ever been. My girlfriend and I both took part in the discover scuba beginner diving course, an entry level day out aimed at people who have never dived before.